The role of the hormone oxytocin has long been known in the female reproductive system. This hormone, also known as the love hormone, is also believed to play an important role in human behavior. It is better for us to further understand how the effects of oxytocin homon in our lives.
The hormone oxytocin is in the hypotolamus in the brain. The hormone is released by the pituitary gland located at the base of the brain. In chemistry, oxytocin is classified as a peptide containing 9 amino acids. While according to biological classification, oxytocin is a neuropeptide that acts as a hormone and organic compound sending signals in the brain.
The Role of Oxytocin in the Women's Reproductive System
During this time, the hormone oxytocin is known to play an important role in helping the birth process. The natural production of oxytocin in the body stimulates the uterus to contract late in pregnancy as an early sign of the birth of a baby. The release of the hormone oxytocin is triggered by the widening of the cervix and vagina during birth. As a result, this increases subsequent contractions. This hormone also helps stimulate milk production after birth.
Oxytocin is also used in prescription drugs. The doctor will give oxytocin to provoke birth contractions or strengthen contractions during birth. This drug is also used to reduce bleeding after labor. In addition, administration of this drug also plays a role in ending pregnancy or during miscarriage.
Effects of Oxytocin in Human Psychology
Recent research has begun to investigate the role of oxytocin in various human behaviors, such as orgasm, social closeness, and maternal attitudes. For this reason, the hormone oxytocin is sometimes considered a love hormone. The impact of oxytocin on emotional behavior and responses is also seen in building calm, confidence, and psychological stability.
While in sexual relations, sex will encourage the release of oxytocin which plays a role in erection and orgasm. Increased uterine movements can help sperm reach the egg. What's more, oxytocin is believed to have a role in orgasm. This is related to oxytocin levels and the intensity of the orgasm itself. In addition, the researchers found the hormone oxytocin appeared to increase male interest in their partners. Based on a study, it is known that oxytocin has the effect of arousing respect and pleasure when men see their partners. This is different when men see other women. The feeling of pleasure seemed to fade.
Meanwhile, oxytocin is also considered a miracle drug that can help increase positive feelings and social skills. This hormone is rumored to be able to relieve psychiatric conditions and behavior disorders, such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and autism. The hormone oxytocin is also stated to be able to improve the communication skills of sufferers of autism disorders. However, there is still very little clinical evidence to suggest the use of oxytocin as an effective drug for psychiatric disorders.
The journey of the role of the hormone oxytocin begins before pregnancy, birth, and then goes from the brain to the heart through the entire body. This triggers physical and emotional functions, such as happiness, attraction, love, affection, and hatred and pressure. Peptides that contain 9 amino acids have an important role in social attitudes. This prompted clinical trials to assess and determine the hormone oxytocin as a therapeutic treatment for a person's behavior disorder.
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